
nanoSkunkWorkx (nSWX), the Malaysian Moonshot Factory, addresses critical global issues through nanotech innovations, developing scalable devices with enhanced properties for applications in energy, computing, and diagnostics. Leveraging the experience of founders Amani and Iqbal, who have backgrounds in NASA and Wall Street, our teams innovate in a high-performance, multidisciplinary environment to quickly and sustainably deliver superior graphene-based solutions. These solutions not only increase the performance of semiconductor, biosensor+diagnostic, etc devices but also significantly reduce the environmental and financial costs typically associated with such advancements.



Iqbal Shamsul, CEO

An MIT Computer Science graduate, with a robust background in trading, risk management, and capital markets at Morgan Stanley Commodities.

Excels in identifying unconventional solutions where others see status quo, leveraging his expertise in technology, economics, and management.

His unique ability to observe and synthesise drives his steadfast dedication to progress and innovation.



Amani Salim, CTO

A seasoned engineer, researcher, and project manager with expertise in nanotechnology, biomedical, electrical, and materials engineering.

She was the first non-American Muslim PI for a NASA project, an honour earned post-PhD at Purdue. An award-winning innovator, Amani has worked on mission-critical projects under prestigious organisations like NASA, EPA, NSF, and NIH.

She’s currently channelling her talent into entrepreneurship, driving impactful innovation in Malaysia with global ambitions.

LinkedIn, website